
清洁发展机制下造林再造林项目实施障碍分析与对策建议——以中国广西珠江流域治理再造林项目为例 被引量:5

Barriers Analysis and Suggested Countermeasures under the Clean Development Mechanism Afforestation/Reforestation Project Implementation——A Case Study of Pearl River Basin in Guangxi
摘要 以中国广西珠江流域治理再造林项目为例,从国际国内政策、技术、市场、资金等方面分析了清洁发展机制造林再造林(CDMAR)项目准备和实施过程中遇到的障碍,提出了克服障碍的对策和建议,包括放宽土地合格性条件及扩大林业碳汇项目的实施范围、更改对CDM AR项目非永久性的处理办法、简化CDM AR项目国内和国际审批和注册程序以及监测要求、提高CDM AR项目实施过程的灵活性、缓解市场障碍、加大困难立地造林关键技术研究与推广示范等建议。 The paper summarized the experiences and lessons during the preparation and implementation of the reforestation project under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) "Facilitating Reforestation for Guangxi Watershed Management Project in Pearl River Basin". The barriers for project implementation were also analyzed in terms of international and domestic policies, market, finance, and technology. Suggestions for removing the Bar- tiers were put forward including: to give more flexibility to land eligibility for CDM afforestation/reforestation project, adopt alternative approach for addressing non-permanence, simplify approval and registration procedures, improve requirements for monitoring plan, allow more flexibility for project implementation, extend the scope of CDM forestry project activities, reduce implementation risk and transaction costs, strengthen technical training and services, expand project financial resource, etc.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2012年第6期57-63,共7页 Forestry Economics
基金 日本人力资源基金项目(编号:TF054587) 世界银行贷款广西综合林业发展和保护项目(编号:KT8-1-1)
关键词 清洁发展机制 造林再造林 障碍 对策 建议 Clean Development Mechanism(CDM), afforestation/reforestation, experience, barrier, countermea- sures
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