
考虑多技能人的企业项目组合选择优化研究 被引量:1

Optimization research of enterprise project portfolio selection with considering multi-skilled workforce
摘要 基于企业技能人员中存在多技能人的研究背景,建立了具有递阶结构的两阶段项目组合选择优化模型。以所选项目的模糊项目价值最大为优化目标,以多技能人在各技能上的人数分配为决策变量,构建了模糊0-1整数优化模型,采用可能性理论对其进行了确定性转换;根据技能人员在项目中工作锻炼,会形成技能增值的特点,建立了以总技能增值最大为优化目标,技能人员在所选项目中的人数分配为决策变量的整数规划模型。通过设计相应的遗传算法(GA)对模型进行了有效求解。仿真测试显示,所建递阶结构两阶段项目组合选择优化模型,可以在实现企业利益最大化前提下,通过合理的人员调配使人力技能增值达到最大,为企业实现短期和长期利益的有机结合,提供了有效的解决途径。 Based on the research background that there is multi-skilled workforce in enterprise skilled personnel,a hierarchical optimization model of two-stage fuzzy project portfolio selection is established.Optimization objective is maximization of the value of projects,which are selected within fuzzy scenario,and decision variable is numbers of multi-skilled workforce that is assigned into difference skilled personnel.A 0-1 integral optimization model is constructed.Because skilled personnel work in different project,their skill increases.A integral optimization model is set up,the objective function is maximization of the sum of skill increment,and decision variable is numbers of different kinds of skilled personnel that are distributed to each of the selected projects.Genetic Algorithm(GA)is adopted to solve the model,and it is effectively.Simulation test shows the hierarchical optimization model of two-stage fuzzy project portfolio selection can maximize enterprise benefits,and maximize skill increment,through assigning skilled personnel reasonably.This thesis provides a valid approach for combining of short-term and long-tem benefits of enterprise.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2012年第23期244-248,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.71071045)
关键词 多技能人 技能增值 模糊 两阶段 项目组合选择 multi-skilled workforce skilled increment fuzzy two-stage project portfolio selection
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