
生存质量测定在眼科疾病中的应用 被引量:2

Application in life quality study in eye diseases
摘要 在眼科疾病中,特别是慢性视觉损害性眼病,单纯的视功能测量已不能全面反映疾病对患者的影响,也不能对治疗效果进行适宜的评价。生存质量作为全面体现患者各种行为能力的测定指标,涵盖了人体机能、心理和精神状态以及社会活动等多方面内容,近年来逐渐成为评价疾病治疗临床效果的常用指标。本文就生存质量对一些眼科疾病进行测量的常用方法和结果进行综述,为日后临床工作提供依据。 Measuring changes in visual function alone is not enough to assess neither the impact of eye diseases on patients nor the effectiveness of treatments.The quality of life is a parameter demonstrating all kinds of behavior capabilities,covering the human body function,psychological and mental state and social activities.It has recently become a popular parameter to evaluate the therapeutic effect for diseases.The paper introduces the current application(methods and results) of life quality study in eye diseases,hoping to provide evidence for future clinical practice.
出处 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期903-906,共4页 Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
关键词 生活质量 视觉 眼疾病 quality of life vision eye diseases
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