
“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育对冠心病患者心脏病发作应对水平干预效果 被引量:7

Effect of the health education regarding early intervention with coronary symptoms in coronary heart disease patients with heart attacks
摘要 目的探讨“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育对冠心病患者心脏病发作应对水平干预效果。方法采用目的抽样法选取2008年7月至2009年1月某三甲医院冠心病患者91例,依据患者住院楼层不同分为干预组45例和对照组46例,干预组患者入院后4d内接受2次30min“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育,及出院后2次10~15min电话随访加强干预,对照组患者接受常规科室健康教育及相同频次随访。以心脏病发作应对问卷作为评价工具在入院时、出院时、出院后1、3个月进行冠脉症状知识与应对态度测评。结果干预组知识(30.27±2.83)分、态度(7.00±1.41)分、控制(33.10±3.84)分,对照组知识(30.39±3.27)分、态度(7.37±1.66)分、控制(34.88±5.11)分,两组比较差异无统计学意义(t分别为0.180,1.076,1.784;P〉0.05)。两组入院时、出院时、出院后1、3个月,在症状、EMS、知识、态度、控制五个变量方面,时间效应与干预效应及两者之间比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育,可以提高患者心脏病发作应对知识、态度与控制水平,干预效果有时间持续性。 Objective To explore the effect of the health education regarding early intervention with coronary symptoms in coronary heart disease patients with heart attacks. Methods Purposive sampling was used to investigate 91 coronary heart disease patients, and they were divided into intervention group (45 cases) and control group (46 cases) according to their different hospital floor. Intervention group received two times 30 rain health education regarding early dealing with coronary symptoms after 4 d in-hospital, and the two times 10 ~ 15 min telephone follow-up after discharged. Control group received the routine health education and follow-up. The questionnaire in term of dealing with heart attacks was used to investigate the knowledge and coping manner of patients in admission to hospital, discharge from hospital, one and three months after discharged. Results The score of knowledge, attitude, and control of intervention group respectively was ( 30.2± 2.83), (7. 00± 1.41 ), (33.10 ± 3.84), and that of control group respectively was ( 30.39±3.27 ), (7.37 ± 1.66), ( 34.88 ± 5.11 ), and the difference was no statistically significant ( t = 0.180, 1. 076, 1. 784,respectively; P 〉 0.05). The difference between two groups in the symptom, EMS, knowledge, attitude, control, time effect and intervention effect was statistically significant respectively in admission to hospital, discharge from hospital, one and three months after discharge ( P 〈 0.05 or P 〈0. 01 ). Conclusions The health education regarding early intervention with coronary symptoms can improve the level of the coping knowledge, attitude and control of patients with coronary heart disease, and the intervention effect is persistence.
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2012年第17期1997-2001,共5页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
关键词 冠心病 健康教育 随访研究 Coronary heart disease Health education Follow-up
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