近日,飞思卡尔半导体帮助汽车设计人员降低构建符合国际标准化组织(iso)26262标准的功能安全系统的复杂性,并缩短了开发时间。Qorivva MPC574xP32位微控制器和系统级芯片MC33906/7/8系列是飞思卡尔新推出的SafeAssure解决方案,可帮助汽车系统满足包括最严格的ASILD级在内的所有汽车安全完整性等级。
The Qorivva MPC574xP 32 bits MCU and MC33906/7/8 Series of system level chips are new SafeAssure solution put out by Freescale^(TM) Semiconductor, which can help auto system to satisfy all complete auto safety grades including the most strict ASIL D level. They have application facing to electric power steering, electronics stabilize control system, and auto drive power and chassis control.
Automobile Parts