目的通过观察使用双微导丝技术血管内支架成形术治疗椎动脉开口狭窄患者,探讨其安全性与有效性。方法对66例经DSA或CTA颈部血管超声证实椎动脉开口处狭窄并符合支架植入指征的患者实施血管内支架植入,观察使用双微导丝技术的安全性和有效性。结果 66例患者椎动脉开口狭窄使用双微导丝技术后,支架植入成功率达100%,支架覆盖狭窄部位准确。支架到位困难、支架移位、血管痉挛及术中斑块脱落等并发症大幅度减少,在1、3、6个月随访时按Malek评分,52例评定分为1分,14例评定分为2分。结论采用双微导丝技术血管内支架成形术治疗椎动脉开口狭窄疗效确切。
Objective To discuss the safety and effectiveness of stent-assisted angioplasty treatment on ostium of vertebral artery stenosis through making Double micro-wire technology. Methods 66 patients with ostium of vertebral artery stenosis identified by DSA or CTA who were treated by stent-assisted angioplasty were chosend through making Double micro-wire technology . We observed the safety and effectiveness through making double micro-wire technology. Results The stents implantation were couducted successfully in all 66 cases with Double micro-wire technology and the stenosis had been covered accuratelly. But the position mistake and the displacement of the stent and the complications inclouding angiospasm and the detachment of the plaque during operation decreased evidently. And in 1,3,6 month follow-up , according to Malek scale, 52 patients belonged to scale 1, and 14 patients belonged to scale 2. Conclusion Stem-assisted angioplasty treatment on ostium of vertebral artery stennsis through making Double micro-wire technology is safe and feasible.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases
Double soft-wire technology
Stent-assisted angioplasty treatment
Ostium of vertebral arterystenosis