

Study on diversity of the bacteria in high-temperature high-salinity super-heavy oil reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield
摘要 运用16S rDNA克隆文库技术分析研究了塔河油田高温高矿化度超稠油油藏中的细菌多样性.研究结果表明:在油藏温度100~130℃、地层水矿化度26×104mg/L、地面原油黏度10×104mPa.s的油藏环境中,存在丰富的细菌群落,其中包括Candidate division OP菌、盐单胞菌(Halomonas sp.)、耐盐芽孢杆菌(Bacillus halodurans)和油杆菌(Petrobacter sp.)等具有耐温、耐盐和降解原油的生理生化特性的菌群,同时还存在大量未培养的微生物. The diversity of the bacteria in high-temperature high-salinity super-heavy oil reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield was studied by means of 16S rDNA clone library.The result shows that there are abundant bacterial communities in the reservoir under the temperature of 100 ~ 130 ℃,the salinity of 26 × 10 4 mg / L and the oil viscosity of 10 × 10 4 mPa.s.The dominant bacterial groups are Candidate division OP,Halomonas sp.,Bacillus halodurans and Petrobacter sp.They have thermophilic and halophilic properties,and they can degrade crude oil.In addition,there is also a lot of uncultured microbial.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期82-86,118,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家863重点项目"内源微生物采油技术研究"(编号:2009AA063500)资助
关键词 16SrDNA文库 超稠油油藏 油藏细菌 多样性 塔河油田 16S rDNA clone library super-heavy oil reservoir reservoir bacterium diversity Tahe Oilfield
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