目前 ,我国大多数聋校从九年级开设了理科 (化学 )课程。由于这门课程开设较晚 ,受师资及教学设备等条件限制 ,一些聋校在教学中 ,往往只注重课堂教学 ,忽视了课外实验的作用 ,忽视了学生的兴趣培养和特长的发挥 ,使学生的综合能力没得到应有的提高。本文从有利于培养学生的观察能力、独立实验能力、分析解决问题能力 ,发展创造能力、形成表达能力等五个方面 ,通过教学实验 ,说明课外实验在聋校理科 (化学 )
Most of the deaf students in schools in our country begin to study chemistry from grade 9.Since the teachers and equipments are limited,the subject is offered late.Some of the schools pay attention to class teaching.But schools ignored the impact of the experiment,and the opportunities to expand the creative power of the students,in terms of expression etc.With the ignoring of outside experiment,and also ignored are the interest and strong point of the students.The students' ability is not improved.As follow up,we help to improve the observational skills of the students.Through the teaching,it is important to make a key outside of the class in science and chemistry.
Chinese Journal of Special Education