EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)等离子体垂直位移快速控制电源(简称:EAST快控电源),是EAST高功率电源系统的组成部分之一,是一个大容量的AC/DC/AC单相逆变电源——具有电流源特性的电压源型逆变器。本文设计并实现了远程监控系统。该系统远程监控计算机使用力控V6.0组态软件调用实时数据实现界面显示、远程操作与故障报警。这一监控系统的实现保证了EAST快控系统安全可靠的运行。
The plasma vertical displacement fast control power system of Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (is called EAST FCPS for short), is one part of the EAST high power supply system. It is a large capacity AC/DC/AC single phase inverter power source, and virtually is an inverter of voltage source with the character of current supply. This paper designs and realize the remote monitorontrol system of the EAST FCPS. In this system, the remote monitor-control PC is programmed with ForceControl V6.0 configuration software to transfer the real-time database, and to realize the interface display, the remote operation and the failure warning. This remote monitor-control system after alteration uarantees the safeiv and re.liahlv nmning of the EAST FCPS
Control & Automation