目的利用红外线测温技术测量高频电刀处理家兔牙髓时牙周组织表面的温度变化,初步评估高频电刀产生的高热可能对牙周组织的影响程度。方法选取20只3月龄的健康实验家兔,共40颗上颌门齿,再随机分成4个小组。在上腭黏膜标记好固定测温点,分别使用5.0 W、10 W、15 W、20 W输出功率的高频电流处理相应小组的家兔牙髓(分别处理冠髓或根髓),并同步对已标记的2个测温点测温,根据温度变化的数据进行统计学分析。结果经高频电刀处理牙髓前后的牙周组织表面温度变化值在-0.02℃~2.61℃之间;处理冠髓时,使用15 W及以上功率的,两测温点有统计学差异;处理根髓时,使用20 W功率的,两测温点有统计学差异;使用10 W及以上功率分别处理冠髓和根髓,牙颈部和根尖的温度变化有统计学差异。结论使用4种输出功率处理家兔牙髓,牙周组织表面温度的变化值(-0.02℃~2.61℃),都在对牙周组织不造成副损伤的安全阈值内。由此,我们认为,使用20 W以内输出功率处理家兔牙髓时,对根尖周的热损伤不会太大。
Objective To measure the periodontal tissue surface temperature changes of rabbit dental pulp by use of infrared temperature measurement technology with high frequency knife. To preliminary evaluate the influence of the periodontal tissue by heat which generated by the high frequency electric knife. Methods 20 healthy rabbits of 3 month- age, a total of 40 maxillary incisors, were randomly divided into four groups. The fixed temperature point of the palate mucosa mark, respectively, using the 5.0 W, 10 W, 15 W, 20 W output power high -fre- quency current corresponding group of rabbit dental pulp (respectively deal with the coronal pulp or root pulp), and synchronization has been marked two temperature measurement points, the temperature data were statistically analyzed. Results The pulp before and after periodontal tissue surface temperature variation between -0. 02~C and 2.61~C by the high - frequency knife. 15 W and above power when dealing with the coronal pulp, the two measurement points were significantly different, dealing with the root pulp 20 W power, two measurement points are statistically different; use 10 W and above power to deal with the coronal pulp and root pulp, the changes of the cervical and apical have statistically different. Conclusion With the four output power the rabbit dental pulp, the surface temperature changes of periodontal tissue ( -0.02℃ to 2.61℃ ) range of safety threshold which does not cause side injury. Thus, we estimate that periapical thermal not be much when less than 20W output power to deal with rabbit dental pulp. temperature to deal with were in the damage will
Heilongjiang Medical Journal
High -frequency knife
Infrared temperature measurement technology
Rabbit dental pulp
Pulp in-activation