酵母培养物(Yeast cultures,简称YC)作为动物的补充饲料已经有60多年的历史。YC是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有酵母菌赖以生长的培养基,YC含有丰富的维生素、酶、各种营养成分和某些重要的协同因子,在厌氧环境中能保持代谢活性,并能耐受干燥、加热和酸性等应激环境,在动物饲料中已应用多年,它具有使用方便、安全无毒、无副作用等优点。
Yeast cultures as a kind Yeast culture is a dried product, which of animal supplement feed have more than 200 years history. containes yeast and its culture medium for growth, it also containes plenty of vitamin, enzyme, some nutritional components and important cofactors, it can keep metabolic activity and tolerance to dry, heat and acid stress environment. Yeast cultures had been used in animal diets for many years, which are easy to use, and safe, without side-effect.
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences