
非正式约束与空间经济增长研究 被引量:3

On the Informal Constraints and Spatial Economic Growth
摘要 非正式约束与经济增长之间的相互关系一直是经济学关注的核心问题。然而,主流经济增长理论的规模报酬不变及其竞争均衡分析范式,却并不兼容非正式约束的报酬递增及其垄断竞争特性。基于对正式约束的这两大特征分析,将非正式约束纳入空间经济增长理论中,进而探析非正式约束在经济增长中的作用机制,这不仅可以弥合过往经济增长理论与非正式约束研究的相互割裂,而且还可以通过模型推演进一步揭示出非正式约束在区域经济增长路径选择中的重要作用。 There is no doubt that the new institutional economics has inspired the studies on the economic growth and informal constraints, which have affected greatly the economic performance research. However, it is surprised to see that the traditional economics growth models have not yet achieved much improvement concerned with the informal constraints because of their premises of constant returns to scale and homogeneous space. Based on the spatial model technique, we take the informal constraints into the herein spatial economic growth system and then reach the satisfied conclusion, which can not only bridge the gap of the theories and real world, but also offer the necessary foundations for the new rising theory of principal economics.
作者 姜莉
出处 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第4期86-92,共7页 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(青年项目)(10YJCZH058)
关键词 非正式约束 空间经济 报酬递增 非完全竞争 informal constraints spatial economic growth increasing returns monopoly competition
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