
普及现代生物医学研究手段 促进眼科创新性基础研究

Promoting innovative basic research in eye science by utilization of modern biomedical tools, technologies and strategies
摘要 中国眼科基础研究领域正在加强人才团队、仪器设备、技术支撑、管理体制、科研文化等方面的建设,并已在研究平台或基地建设、学术论文发表、国际会议学术交流等方面取得可喜进展。但整体来讲,开展基础研究采用的技术、方法、策略等较国际先进水平存在较大差距,若能加强培训并配合条件建设,中国开展眼科创新性基础研究的能力和产出将会有大幅度提高。 Efforts are being made to build up platforms to support basic research of ophthalmology by organizing capable staff, adequate instruments, technical assistance, and by applying practical evaluation and cultivating healthy cultural environment. While significant progress has been achieved with scientific publications and international academic exchanges,the ophthalmology society still has a long way to go to enhance the basic research in the field of eye science. Utilization of modern biomedical tools, technologies and strategies will undoubtedly further improve the efficacy and production in the area of basic research of ophthalmology in this country.
作者 王宜强
出处 《中华实验眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期673-676,共4页 Chinese Journal Of Experimental Ophthalmology
基金 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金项目(JQ200908) 通信作者:王宜强,Email:yiqiangwang99@hotmail.conl
关键词 基础研究 创新 研究手段 Basic research Innovation Modern technology
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