
甲状腺显像归一化分析在^131I治疗Graves甲亢中的价值 被引量:9

Value of normalization analysis of thyroid scans on 131I treatment planning for Graves' disease
摘要 目的探讨计算机辅助的甲状腺显像归一化分析在131I治疗Graves甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)中的作用。方法回顾分析^131I治疗的Graves甲亢患者60例,以甲状腺小于35g且没有结节为人组标准。重新调取甲状腺扫描的原始数据,经计算机软件行归一化处理和图像放大。对甲状腺两叶面积比值、放射性计数比值、灰阶比值、呈多中心放射性分布的例数、用药次数和总治疗剂量进行多重线性回归分析(逐步回归法),研究总治疗剂量和用药次数与性别、年龄及上述因素的相关性,并根据临床转归进行分组,分析转归为甲状腺功能(简称甲功)正常和甲功减退(简称甲减)与上述因素的相关性。结果根据Marinelli公式计算的131I剂量,单次给药甲亢治愈率50%(30/60),其余患者需要多次给药治疗。除了甲状腺质量和摄碘率外,^131I总剂量还和女性(F=4.23,P=0.050)、两叶面积比(F=6.20,P=0.020)、多中心放射性分布(F=5.12,P=0.033)有关。131I治疗次数与两叶灰阶比(F=8.89,P=0.006)和多中心放射性分布(F=4.98,P=n034)有关。转归为甲功正常组服药剂量与两叶灰阶比(F=10.66,P=0.017)和面积比(F=10.42,P=0.018)相关;而转归为甲减组的影响因素为甲状腺质量(F=7.65,P=0.013)和多中心放射性分布(F=8.01,P=0.011)。结论计算机辅助归一化分析对Graves甲亢治疗计划的制定和预后有一定帮助,对于出现明显的甲状腺两叶放射性分布不均者,应增加剂量和多次治疗;对于放射性分布均匀者,应注意避免剂量增大与甲状腺质量增大呈线性关系,否则甲减概率会增高。 Objective To explore the value of normalization analysis of thyroid scans on 131I treat- ment planning for Graves' disease. Methods Patients with hyperthyroidism treated by 131I were retrospec- tively analyzed. Sixty cases with thyroid glands less than 35 g and without thyroid nodules were enrolled. Raw data of thyroid scans were re-processed using a software for normalization and magnification. Correlation between total dose, the number of treatments and other factors, such as area ratios of bilateral lobes, bilat- eral radioactive counts, bilateral gray scales and muhifocal uptake patterns, were analyzed using step-by- step regression analysis. Correlations between normal thyroid function, hypothyroidism and the abovemen- tioned factors were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Results Fifty percent (30/60) of cases were cured after a single-dose treatment, and the remaining 50% required multiple treatments. In ad- dition to thyroid mass and radioactive iodine uptake, total close correlated with gender ( F = 4.23, P = 0. 050 ), area ratio of bilateral lobes ( F = 6.20, P = 0. 020) and multifocal uptake pattern ( F = 5.12, P = 0. 033 ). The number of treatments correlated with ratio of bilateral gray scales ( F = 8.89, P = 0. 006 ) and multifocal uptake pattern ( F = 4.98, P = 0. 034). According to outcomes, patients were divided into a nor- mal thyroid function group and a hypothyroidism group. 131I dose correlated with the area ratio of bilateral lobes (F = 10.42, P = 0.018 ) and ratio of bilateral gray scales in the normal thyroid function group (F = 10.66, P = 0. 017) ; whereas in the hypothyroidism group, the clinical outcome correlated with thyroid mass ( F = 7.65, P = 0,013) and multifocal uptake pattern ( F = 8.01, P = 0.011 ). Conclusions Computer- aided normalization analysis is useful for 131I dose calculation in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. For pa- tients with significantly unbalanced bilateral radiotracer distribution, increasing the dose and the number of treatments should be suggested. For patients with homogeneous radiotracer distribution, a linear method of dose increment according to the thyroid mass should be avoided to reduce the rate of hypothyroidism.
出处 《中华核医学与分子影像杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期273-276,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
关键词 格雷夫斯病 碘放射性同位素 放射疗法 放射性核素显像 归一化分析 Graves' disease Iodine radioisotopes Radiotherapy Radionuclide imaging Normalize analysis
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