Objective To make a comparimn between the determination by the conventional analyzer of feces and the manual micrnscopic examination in order to prove that the conventional analyzer of feces can help prevent cross - infection by eliminating human - induced detection errors and by imprnving on the accuracy of the results of detection. Methods Standard samples of 136 patients were collected and examined with the eonventional analyzer of feces while these samples were also detected through microscopic examination by experienced laboratory assis- tants. The results of examination using two different methods were compared and treated statistically. Results Blank determination was conduct-ed tollowing the instrumental examination of samples. No foreign body was found in the image so that cross - infection was impossible. 95 ot the 136 samples treated by raanual microscopic examination turned out to be negative while the rest were positive. However, according to, the ex-amination by the conventional analyzer of feces, 95 of the samples were normal, 13 had e rythrocytes, 25 had leukCK:ytes, 2 had yeast - like fungus, and 9 had lipid droplets. Conclusion The result of instrumental examination is as accurate as that of the conventional microscopic ex-amination when the same section of the sample is examined. However, the conventional anal.wzer of feces is user-friendly, standardized in the process of examining the ~mple, unlikely to make human induced errors and able to prevent cross - infection. This method is worthy of clinical application.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
Conventional analyzer of feces
Manual mierocopie examination
Cross - infection