
试论我国教育演进过程中三重价值取向的交互作用 被引量:3

Interaction of Triple Values in Evolution of China's Education
摘要 能力主义、社会资本和差异补偿是西方社会学的重要概念,以此三重价值取向来分析我国教育演进过程中的若干重大问题,有利于深入理解教育发展的基本规律,促进我国教育发展的科学决策。优先工农的教育政策中体现着差异补偿,但基本是在能力主义的前提下实施的。干部子弟学校的取消,目的在于限制特权势力,重点学校虽以能力主义为基础,差异补偿和社会资本均参与其中。取消学校考试制度导致能力主义的缺失,而特权势力的介入,必然导致大学生推荐制度瓦解。我国的高考制度是一种根据学习成绩优先录取高分考生的选拔考试,基本排除了家庭出身等遗传因素,因此可以保证社会的基本公正。本来具有促进教育平等意义的高校扩招,由于经济取向的过度干扰,必要的补偿机制又未能及时跟上,其促进平等的目标还任重道远。虽然一些教育优惠措施体现了补偿原则,但却是起点差异极大现实上的补偿,还不足以保证平等。择校的潜规则就是权力、人情加金钱,这是导致择校热的根本原因,也是造成社会不满的本质原因。建立以能力主义和差异补偿为基础,限制社会资本滋生的教育政策系统当是未来教育发展的愿景。大众教育和精英教育是国家高等教育发展的两个轮子,两者应当并行不悖。以能力主义为基础,兼施差异补偿的高考模式,可能是促进高考制度更加公平的一种改革思路。一种教育制度与人事制度相互衔接的新制度体系,立足于能力主义,学而优者通过严格考试可直接录用为领导干部或高层管理人员。我们应当将效率限定在经济范畴之内。而在判断平等与公正时,可以采用能力主义和差异补偿的价值工具:只有在能力主义的基础之上,教育平等才可能实现;只有在机会均等的条件下,采取差异补偿的措施,教育公正才可能存在。 The meritocraty, Social Capital and Differential Compensation are important concepts of western sociology. These vital concepts can help analyze the problems faced by our own education systems for development, understand further the law of educational development, and strengthen our ability to make decisions on our national education system. The edu- cation policy of giving priority to workers and peasants reflects the concept of differential compensation, but is conducted on the abilitism premise. Therefore, closure of special schools for the children of government officials intends to limit such unfair privileges key schools are established based on abilitism and differential compensation and social capital are both involved. The cancellation of the school examination system leads to the removal of abilitism, and the involvement of special privileges will inevitably result in the collapse of the college student recommendation system. Our national college entrance examination system aims at selecting students with highest test scores, and basically eliminates external factors, such as family background, in the decision making process. It maintains basic social justice. The expansion of college student intakes intend to promote education equality, but because of the interference of economic factors and the lack of financial aid, the goal of achieving educational equality still needs a lot of efforts. Certain education policies reflect differential compensation, but the bases for compensation have significant disparity in reality and cannot ensure equality. The underlying factors forschool choices are power, personal relationships and money. These factors are the fundamental caase of the prevalence for school choices, and the discontent in our society. The future goal of education development is to establish an education policy system based on abilitism and differential compensation, limiting the growth of social capital. Mas,; education and elite edu- cation are two branches of our higher education development model, which should run parallel without any conflicts. A national college entrance exam based on abilitism and differential compensation should be a more viable approach to achieving education equality. A new system that connects the education with the personnel system, which is based on abilitism, allows government officials or senior managers to be promoted through rigorous exams. We should limit efficiency within the context of economics. When judging equality and fairness, we can use value mechanisms of abilitism and differential compensation: education equality can only be achieved when it is based on abilitism education fairness can only exist when everyone has same opportunities with the support of differential compensation.
作者 王晓辉
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期5-19,共15页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 能力主义 社会资本 差异补偿 教育政策 教育改革 meritocraty social capital differential compensatiom education policy education reform
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