

Thermal Stresses in an Infinite Circular Cylinder Subjected to Rotation
摘要 研究旋转对确定边界条件下无限圆柱体的影响.当热荷载沿径向作用时,给出了旋转圆柱体中热应力、位移和温度的分析过程.当无限弹性圆柱体部分弯曲界面有常温作用,而其余界面维持零温度时,讨论其热动应力的分布.圆柱体表面绝缘材料熔化时出现这种情况.得到了应力分量、位移分量和温度的解和数值结果.提出的半解析法所得到的结果,与早期采用方法所得到的结果比较,发现两者显示出很好的一致性. The present investigation was concerned with a study effect of rotation on an infinite circular cylinder subjected to certain boundary conditions. An analytical procedure for evaluation of thermal stresses, displacements and temperature in rotating cylinder subjected to ther- mal load along the radius was presented. The dynamic thermal stresses in an infinite elastic cylinder of radius a due to a constant temperature applied to a variable portion of the curved surface while the rest of surface was maintained at zero temperature was discussed. Such situation could arise due to melting of insulating material deposited on the surface cylinder. A solution and numerical results were obtained for the stress components, displacement components, and temperature. It was shown that the results obtained from the present semi-analytical method were in a good agreement with those obtained using the previously developed methods.
出处 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期997-1012,共16页 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
关键词 波传播 热弹性 各向同性材料 旋转圆柱体 Lamé势 热应力 wave propagation thermoelasticity isotropic material rotating cylinder Lame' s potential thermal stress
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