目的探讨显微外科技术在阴茎离断再植术中的作用。方法 20只成年比格犬进行阴茎海绵体离断后再植术;随机分成2组,观察组10例采用10倍放大镜显微外科技术辅助手术,对照组10例采用在肉眼直视条件下手术、手术方式均采用同一组手术成员及统一术式,缝合阴茎海绵体、尿道海绵体,两侧阴茎背血管;比较两组手术时间,术中失血量、血管吻合时间、阴茎背血管吻合成功例数、术后远端阴茎颜色、温度、术后远端阴茎坏死例数等各项指标。结果观察组10例血管吻合一次成功例数高达38根(其中静脉20根、动脉18根),而对照组10例血管吻合一次成功例数达22根(其中静脉14根,动脉8根),两者比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);观察组平均手术时间120min、平均血管吻合时间68min、平均失血量80mL,而对照组平均手术时间106min、平均血管吻合时间50min、平均失血量70mL。观察组术后阴茎坏死例数为0例,而对照组阴茎坏死例数为3例。结论显微外科技术辅助阴茎离断再植可明显提高血管吻合成功率,显著改善远端阴茎血流供应,缩短远端阴茎恢复时间。
To discuss the role of microsurgical technique in autoallergic penile replantation. [ Methods ] Twenty adult beagle dogs were underwent the procedure of autoallergic penile replantation, which were divided into two groups randomly. Each group was 10 dogs. The observation group performed the surgery assisted by microsurgical techniques using 10-time magnifying glass, while the control group performed the surgery in the con- dition of orthophoria. The standard modus operation was underwent the same technique to suture dorsal vessels, then running sutra the urethra and corporal bodies by the same operation member team. Compared the following indexes such as the operation time, blood loss volume, vessel suturing time, the number of successful suturing dorsal vessels, the color and temperature of replantation penile post-operation, the number of penile necrosis, et al. [ Result ] The number of once time successful suturing dorsal vessels were 38 items in obse^ation group of all 10 cases (including 20 veins and 18 arteries), while the number in control group were 22 items (including 14 veins and 8 arteries). The difference was significant between this two groups (P 〈0.05). In observation group, the average operation times were 120 min, and the average vessel suturing time were 68 min, and the average blood loss volume were 80 mLo Howev- er, in control group, the average operation times were 106 rain, and the average vessel suturing time were 50 rain, and the average blood loss volume were 70 mL. The number of penile necrosis post-operation in observation group
China Journal of Modern Medicine
microsurgical technique
penile amputation