本文利用Visual Basic编程工具并结合数值分析知识设计了一个程序用以解决复杂的电位滴定分析实验数据的绘图和计算问题,程序界面友好,智能性高,具有较强的绘图和计算功能,对滴定终点的确定快捷准确,文中以酸碱滴定为实例对程序的使用进行了介绍。程序可用于电位滴定分析实验的数据处理工作,也可辅助用于分析化学、仪器分析等课程的课堂教学。
Combining with the theory of the numerical calculation,the program was designed to calculate and plot the experimental data of the potentiometric titration by Visual Basic.The program has friendly interface and high intelligence,moreover,it has the power function in the calculation and plotting,and it can determine the end point of the titration rapidly and accurately.The acid base titration was taken as an example to introduce the use of the program.The program can process the experimental data of the potentionmetric titration and can be assisted in the teaching such as analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis.
Journal of Nanyang Institute of Technology