
俄国法律对宗教保护与限制的历史检视 被引量:1

A Historical Check on the Protection and Limit on Religion by Russia Law
摘要 从俄国历史上看,宗教尤其是东正教与国家政权之间存在着极为密切的关系,法律作为国家治理的重要手段,居间协调、解决宗教与政权之间的紧张,也记录着宗教与政权之间的对话与合作。基辅罗斯时期法律与宗教之间有一种双向互动的关系,封建割据时期则体现出法律利用宗教的特性,中央集权时期呈现的是法律把宗教世俗化的倾向,帝国时期法律使宗教边缘化,苏联时期法律对宗教的保护或者限制则表现出不连贯性和不稳定性,在不同时期变换展现法律保护个人信奉宗教的自由、法律与宗教分离、法律与宗教冲突、法律限制宗教、法律禁止宗教等特点。而当代俄罗斯在处理法律与宗教的关系时,彰显出法律包容接纳宗教、法律对宗教保持中立、法律与宗教对话的态度。 From the historical perspective Church, maintains a very close relationship with the , religion, state power, especially the Orthodox Eastern and law, as an important means to administration of country, mediates between them, and records their dialogue and cooperation. The relationship between law and religion was characterized by their interaction during Kiev Russ and by the fact that religion was secularized and utilized by law during the feudal domination while in the period of the Empire, religion was marginalized by law. In the Era of the Soviet Union, the protection of religion by law was characterized by incoherence and instability. In diffe the changes in the relationship between law and freedom in re and religion, Contemporary ligious beli the limitat Russia ring and accepting re law and religion. efs by law, the separation religion indicate the protection of of law from religion, the conflicts rent periods, individuals' between law ion imposed by law on religion, the law prohibiting the religio , the ligion relationship between law and religion reflects the attitude of law remaining neutral to religion, and the dialogic relatiosh n, etc. In law toleraip between
作者 刘春萍
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期35-48,共14页 Global Law Review
基金 黑龙江省社会科学基金项目"从前苏联到俄罗斯的行政法制变革研究"(项目编号:11D025) 黑龙江省教育厅人文社科基地重点项目"俄罗斯市民社会的发展与宪政进程"(项目编号:11522Z015)的阶段性研究成果
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