
2010年洛阳地区手足口病重症病例的流行病学特征 被引量:3

Epidemiological characteristics of severe cases with hand-foot-mouth disease in Luoyang in 2010
摘要 目的:了解洛阳地区2010年重症手足口病(HFMD)的流行病学特征。方法:对2010年河南科技大学第一附属医院收治的801例重症HFMD患儿进行人口学、生长发育、生活、地理环境以及大便中EV71、CoxA16和其他肠道病毒核酸进行调查。结果:2010年洛阳地区重症HFMD总发病率为12.5/10万,64.67%是1~3岁(不含)幼儿,85.52%是散居儿童,84.82%为EV71病毒感染。男童发病率高于女童。92.13%分布在平原地区,71.16%居住在农村。38.83%的患儿BMI<P15。7月是发病高峰时期。结论:2010年洛阳地区重症HFMD以EV71感染为主;发展经济、提高全民素质、改善卫生环境是降低重症HFMD患病率的主要措施。 Objective : To understand the epidemiological characteristics of severe cases with hand - foot - mouth disease (HFMD) in Luoyang in 2010. Methods: The demographic characteristics, growth and development, living environment, geographical environment, nucleic acids of enterovirus 71 ( EV71 ), coxsaekie virus A16 ( CoxA16 ) , and other enteroviruses in stool specimens of 801 severe HFMD children who were treated in the hospital in 2010 were investigated. Results: The total incidence of severe HFMD in children in Luoyang in 2010 was 12. 5/100 000, 64. 67% of them were infants aged 1 - 3 years old, 85.52% of them were scattered children, 84. 82% of them were infected by EVT1. The incidence of severe HFMD in boys was higher than that in girls. Among the children, 92. 13% of them were dis- tributed in flat area, and 71.16% of them were distributed in rural area. BMI of 8.83% of the children was less than P15. July was a season with peak incidence of HFMD in children. Conclusion: EV71 is the main virus of severe HFMD in children in Luoyang in 2010; the key measures to reduce the incidence of severe HFMD in children include developing economics, improving the quality of population, and impro- ving hygienic conditions.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第22期3473-3475,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 2012年度河南省医学科技攻关计划项目〔201203077〕
关键词 重症手足口病 肠道病毒属 流行病学特征 儿童 Severe hand - foot - mouth disease Enterovirus Epidemiological characteristic Child
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