The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence, associated risk factors, consequences and preventive measures oflPV (intimate partner violence) within the selected population in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. Questions derived from the prevalidated scales were used to measure the IPV. Questionnaires were distributed to both men and women aged from 18 to 60. The participants were staff and students of University of Goroka, staff of the Goroka Secondary school and North Goroka Primary school, Teachers in-charges of the elementary schools in the Eastern Highlands Province and the villagers from Asaroufa and Kotuni villages. Of the 95 respondents, 78.95% were victims of IPV. Among the victims 37.33% were males and 62.67% females. The physical, sexual and psychological abuses were experienced by both men and women. The significant risk factors found to be associated with violence were young age, low education, low socioeconomic status, marital conflicts, history of abuse during childhood, and male patriarchal values. The interpersonal relationship tends to be an important factor for prevailing violence free environment within the intimate partners. Intimate partner violence is prevalent in PNG. The strongest independent predictors were the excessive drinking of alcohol and marital conflict. Preventive measures such as compulsory and free technical education for all children less than 14 years old and life skills training and violence awareness campaign for both men and women must be provided to reduce the intimate partner violence.