
动态频谱分配中的频谱可用性描述 被引量:1

Description of Spectrum Availability in Dynamic Spectrum Allocation
摘要 针对动态频谱分配中的频谱资源描述问题,引入频谱可用率和空闲概率两个特征参数,构建了频谱资源描述模型,该方法丰富了资源的描述特征。考虑到用户因业务不同而对频谱需求的差异,分别对频谱可用率和空闲概率赋予不同的权值,以便为用户分配适合的频谱资源。仿真结果表明,依据业务类型的不同将频谱可用率和空闲概率两个参数结合起来共同描述频谱可用性,可以适当地提高频谱利用率,特别是对语音信号来说,空闲概率的权值远大于频谱可用率权值时,频谱利用率可以提高约40%。 In the spectrum resources description of the dynamic spectrum allocation,we introduce two characteristic parameters to construct a spectrum description model.This method enrich description of the resource features.Because of differences in demand for spectrum,give the different weights of spectrum availability and the free probability respectively,so that the user is assigned an appropriate spectrum.Simulation results show that different types of business result different spectrum availability and the free probability parameters combined together to describe the spectrum availability,it can be appropriate to improve the spectrum efficiency.The spectrum efficiency can be increased by about 40% when the weight of free probability is much greater than the spectrum availability,especially for the voice signal.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第B06期396-397,428,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61072077)资助
关键词 动态频谱分配 频谱可用性 描述方法 可用时长 更新频率 Dynamic spectrum allocation; Spectrum availability; Description method; Availability time; Update frequency
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