采用国际地球自转服务 (IERS) 1 996规范和上海天文台甚长基线干涉测量 (VLBI)资料分析软件 ,对自 1 979年 8月以来全球约 2 90 0次天测与测地VIBL实验进行了综合归算 ,得到 60 1颗河外射电源在J2 0 0 0 .0的坐标、1 0 1台站在J1 997.0的坐标和运动速度、以及约 2 0年的地球定向参数序列 .与国际相关结果的比较表明 ,归算结果不存在显著系统差 .通过对归算结果的分析 ,指出目前国际上评估天球参考架局部相对形变的常用方法并不能为局部相对形变提供客观判据 .本次解算得到上海天文台佘山观测站相对于欧亚板块的运动速度为 8.8mm/yr,方位东偏南 1 2 .7度 ,乌鲁木齐站为 9.8mm/yr,北偏东 2 0 .8度 ,这与板块运动理论预测的中国大陆的运动有很好的一致 .
About 2900 astrometric and geodetic VLBI sessions since August of 1979 are analyzed in this paper with the International Earth Rotation Service 1996 Conventions and the data processing software of Shanghai Observatory. The final results include 601 radio sources with positions at J2000.0,101 stations with positions and velocities at J1997.0 as well as about 20 years' Earth Orientation Parameters. By comparison with related international results, it is shown that there are no significant systematic drifts in our solution, and this justifies the success of this global data reduction. On the basis of an analysis of our solution, it is shown that the presently widely accepted evaluation method of local relative deformations of celestial reference frames is not an objective criterion.
Acta Astronomica Sinica
国家重大基础研究项目! (No.970 2 3 1 0 0 3 )
国家自然科学基金重大项目 !(No .1 983 3 0 3 0 )
中国科学院重大项目! (No .KJ951