
肺结核合并糖尿病的护理体会 被引量:6

Nursing experience of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with diabetes
摘要 目的通过对80例肺结核合并糖尿病患者进行护理干预,对血糖的控制,痰菌转阴情况的观察,探讨肺结核合并糖尿病的护理要点,进一步指导临床,提高患者康复率。方法将肺结核合并糖尿病患者随机分为干预组和对照组各40例,护理干预措施有合理饮食控制,合理的休息和运动,用药指导,心理护理,健康指导等。结果通过护理干预后,实验组痰菌转阴率和血糖控制情况优于对照组,两组比较有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论肺结核伴有糖尿病的治疗,不同于两病叠加治疗那样简单,护理上也更加复杂,通过积极合理的护理治疗和干预,可以提高两病共存患者的康复率,提高治疗效果,降低并发症,减少复发率。 Objective To investigate the nursing strategies of pulmonary tuberculosis com- plicated with diabetes, direct clinical practice and improve the recovery rate of patients. Methods A total of 80 patients were equally randomized into treatment group and control group. The nursing interventions such as a sensible diet, reasonable rest and exercise, drug usage, psychological nurs- ing, and health instructions were conducted. Results After the nursing intervention, the sputum negative conversion rate and the control of blood glucose were better in the treatment group than in the control group (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion The treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with diabetes is different from the simple adding of two diseases. The nursing is thus more complex. The active and reasonable nursing and intervention can enhance recovery rate, improve treatment ef- ficacy, decrease complications and lower recurrence rate.
作者 杨玲 刘志远
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2012年第10期39-41,共3页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
关键词 肺结核 糖尿病 护理 pulmonary tuberculosis diabetes nursing
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