目的:探讨100Hz电针抑制大鼠可卡因条件位置偏爱(Conditioned Place Preference,CPP)表达的机制。方法:采用可卡因诱导大鼠CPP模型,观察(1)选择性κ阿片受体拮抗剂nor-BNI加100Hz电针对可卡因CPP表达的影响;(2)每次电针前给大鼠双侧伏隔核内注射nor-BNI,能否阻断电针对可卡因CPP的表达;(3)电针处理可卡因CPP大鼠伏核组织中κ阿片受体mRNA表达的变化。结果:(1)10μg/5μlnor-BNI侧脑室给药或0.3μg/1μlnor-BNI伏隔核内微注射预处理给药都能翻转100Hz电针对可卡因CPP的抑制作用;(2)100Hz电针能显著增加可卡因CPP大鼠伏隔核内κ阿片受体mRNA的表达。结论:100Hz电针通过激活伏隔核内κ阿片受体从而抑制可卡因CPP的表达。
Objective:To investigate the mechanism of the effect of 100Hz electroacupuncture on cocaine conditioned place prefer- ence (CPP)expression in rats. Methods:With cocaine CPP model in rats, we explore (1)the influence of nor-BNI, a selective kappa- opioid antagonist, together with 100Hz electroaeupuncture on cocaine CPP expression; (2)whether nor-BNI delivered in nucleus accum- bens prior to electroacupuncture treatment can block the expression of cocaine CPP; (3)the effect of 100Hz electroacupuncture on kap- pa-opioid receptor mRNA expression in nucleus accumbens in cocaine-induced CPP rats. Results:( 1 )The effect of 100Hz electroacu- puncture on cocaine-induced CPP could be reversed by pretreatment of nor-BNI ( 10μg,/5 μl, i. c. v or 0.3 μg/1 μl, intra-NAc mieroin- jection ); (2) 100Hz eleetroacupuncture enhanced kappa-opioid mRNA expression in nucleus accumbens of cocaine CPP rats. Conclusion:100Hz electroacupuncture can suppresses cocaine CPP by activating kappa-opioid receptor in nucleus accumbens.
Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment