利用TERRAIN模块的主要功能、结构和原理对模块的安装和操作使用给予了说明。同时 ,为了加深读者对该模块的认识 ,对不同分辨率的地形、地表分类参数的处理进行比较 ,分析结果表明 ,高分辨率地形及地表分类资料的选取能更真实地反映出下垫面的实际特征 ,是今后进行中尺度天气预报和数值模拟的基础之一。
In this paper,an exhaustive introduction is made for the main function,structure and principle of TERRAIN module, and its installation and operation are illustrated.At the mean time,in order to understand the module deeply,the comparative analysis is done to the handling for the different resolution terrain height and land-use characteristics.It shows that the high resolution terrain height and land-use characteristics can more really reflect the real feature of underlying surface and it is one of the base of mesoscale severe weather studies and numerical stimulation in the future.
Gansu Meteorology
甘肃省气象局科研资助项目!(97- 1)