目的:用凝血酶原衍生法(PT-Der)、Von Clauss法检测纤维蛋白原,观察两者的差异性及相关性。方法:采用Sysmex CA7000全自动血凝仪及配套试剂分别用PT-Der法和Von Clauss法检测328例患者的血浆纤维蛋白原水平。结果:当Fg含量在2.00 g/L~4.00 g/L范围内时,PT-Der法和Von Clauss法检测结果无显著差异(P>0.05),相关良好(r=0.957);而当Fg<2 g/L或Fg>4 g/L时,两种方法存在显著差异(P<0.05),相关性也降低。结论:Fg含量在正常参考范围内时,可用PT-Der法检测纤维蛋白原,对于超出范围者,须用Von Clauss法再次检测。
Objective:To investigate the difference and relationship between prothrombin derivative(PT-Der) method and Von Clauss method in detecting fibrinogen.Methods: Plasma fibrinogen levels of 328 patients were detected with PT-Der method and Von Clauss method on Sysmex CA7000 automatic coagulation analyzer respectively.Results: Fibrinogen levels measured with PT-Der method and Von Clauss method showed no significant difference(P0.05) and correlated well between 2 g/L and 4 g/L.However,fibrinogen results differed significantly between the two methods(P0.05) when Fg2 g/L or Fg4 g/L.Conclusin: PT-Der method can be used to detect fibrinogen,but results should be verified by Von Clauss method when the fibrinogen concentration were out of the normal reference.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology