

The Cough of Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation
摘要 针对肺系咳嗽一证,从辨病、辨证、辨药三方面分析其病因、病证及治疗要点。病因:从外感和内伤两大类来论述咳嗽的成因特点,结合现代医学的免疫学说、神经学说、病理生理学说等方面的理论观点,依次介绍其形成因素。病证:从新感和久病两方面介绍病邪由外而内的衍变规律,累及脏腑及寒热虚实等结合病势进退来判断邪正虚实,伴见症状及辨证要点提出病情发展的三种趋势,预测病情传变规律,知变预防,知变预治。辨药:讨论治标与治本的关系,论述外感与内伤的用药特点,外感从春夏秋冬四季节气变化来分析用药特点,内伤从脏腑辨证特征潜方用药,注意兼挟证的辨识,有机化裁,尽力做到对咳嗽一证的正确认识,准确辨证和精确用药。 The article discusses the cough of pulmonary sign, from three aspects of the identified disease, identified syndrome and identified drug analyzing its causes, syndrome and treatment points. Cause: From two categories of the exogenous and internal injuries the article discusses the characteristics of the cause of the cough, and introduces its form factors, according to the theoretical point of view of immunology , neurology , pathophysiology of the modern medicine. Syndrome : From the acute and chronic illness the article introduces the evolutionary rules of pathogenic factors from outside to inside. It judges right from wrong , the actual from the virtual situation combining involving the lung , cold and heat with the advance and retreat of the illness . From the accompany symptoms and the points of the differentiation of syndrome it proposes the three trends of the progression of the disease and predicts the rules of the evolution of the disease, then prevents and treats ac- cording to the change. Identified drug: The article discusses the relationship of permanent care and temporary alleviation, and discusses drug use characteristics of exogenous and internal injuries. According to exogenous injuries it analyzes medication characteristics from the change of the seasons, internal injuries from the syndrome differentiation characteristics of the organs. Pay attention to the identifying sign the article try to understand correctly of the cough and accurately identified syndrome and medication.
作者 朱越
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2012年第7期62-63,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 咳嗽 辨病 辨证 辨药 审证辨治 审证求因 辨证论治 Cough Identified disease Identified syndrome Identified drug Treatment based on syndrome differentiation
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