
中国证券监管治理的国际经验借鉴与评估体系重构 被引量:6

International Experience Learning and Reconstruction of Assessment Indicator System of Chinese Security Regulation and Governance
摘要 通过借鉴证券监管治理评估的国际经验并加入独立设计的指标,构建中国证券监管治理评估指标体系并作出评估。研究结果表明,中国证券监管治理评估指数为68.48。考虑到中国证券市场所处的发展阶段,这个成绩反映了真实情形,说明中国证券监管虽然已基本具备良好监管治理的形式,但也存在不足之处,需要从独立性、责任性、透明度和监管操守四个方面加强监管治理。 On the base of international experience and some designed indicators on their own, the authors established the indicator system to estimate securities supervision and governance in China. The results show that the assessing index of Chinese supervision and governance is 68.48, which is a real status if we take the development stage of Chinese securities markets into account. It shows although Chinese securities has basic and good supervising and governing forms, it still has many shortcomings and require to strengthen supervising and governing from four aspects: independence, accountability, transparency and integrity.
作者 赵峰 高明华
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期127-137,共11页 Reform
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"终极产权 利益侵占与投资者权益保护"(批准号:09BJL023) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"政治关联 企业绩效与权益资本成本--基于中国民营企业的研究"(批准号:12YJC630308) 北京市哲学社会科学首都流通业研究基地项目(批准号:JD-2012-Y-07)
关键词 证券监管治理 评估指数 指标体系 securities regulation and governance, assessment index, indicator system
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