

Orthogonal cooperative scheme for digital network coding
摘要 针对网络编码的正交放大转发(OAF)方案不能避免错误传播的问题,提出中继节点采用译码转发(DF)协议的网络编码正交协作方案。该方案的中继节点根据译码的正确与否决定是否转发源节点的信号,避免了错误传播,提高了系统的可靠性。理论分析表明,所提方案的平均互信息和可靠性都优于OAF方案,仿真结果也验证了理论分析的正确性。 Considering that error propagation cannot be avoided at relay node in Orthogonal Amplify-and-Forward (OAF) scheme for network coding, orthogonal cooperative scheme for network coding with De, code-and-Forward (DF) protocol was proposed in this paper, in which whether to forward the source signals was determined by the decoding results at the relay node. In the proposed scheme, the error propagation was avoided and system reliability was improved. The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed scheme outperforms OAF scheme in terms of average mutual information and reliability. The simulation results demonstrate the validity of the theoretical analysis.
作者 田心记 宋成
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期2116-2118,2122,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 网络编码 协作 正交 平均互信息 可靠性 network coding cooperation orthogonal average mutual information reliability
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