The ATF2 project is the final focus system prototype for the ILC and CLIC linear collider projects, with the purpose of reaching a 37nm vertical beam size at the interaction point. In the nanometer beam size regime, higher order multipoles in magnets become a crucial point for consideration. The strength and rotation angle of the ATF2 QEA magnets were reconstructed from the IHEP measurements and compared with the KEK ones to be identical. Based on the study of the skew multipoles sensitivity, we report on the analysis of the possible mitigation of the measured multipoles. A suggestion is given which will benefit the ATF2 present commissioning to reach the goal beam size, and also the reduced β optics in future.
The ATF2 project is the final focus system prototype for the ILC and CLIC linear collider projects, with the purpose of reaching a 37nm vertical beam size at the interaction point. In the nanometer beam size regime, higher order multipoles in magnets become a crucial point for consideration. The strength and rotation angle of the ATF2 QEA magnets were reconstructed from the IHEP measurements and compared with the KEK ones to be identical. Based on the study of the skew multipoles sensitivity, we report on the analysis of the possible mitigation of the measured multipoles. A suggestion is given which will benefit the ATF2 present commissioning to reach the goal beam size, and also the reduced β optics in future.
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche of the French Ministry of Research(Programme Blanc,Project ATF2-IN2P3-KEK,contract,ANR-06-BLAN-0027)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(11175192)
support in part by the USDepartment of Energy(DE-AC02-76SF00515)