
国外潜艇硼氢化钠水解制氢的研究与进展 被引量:4

Research and development of foreign submarine sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation
摘要 叙述了国外潜艇AIP装置硼氢化钠水解制氢的研究与进展,介绍了硼氢化钠溶液水解制氢方法、水解反应催化剂,描述了潜艇硼氢化钠水解制氢系统、管式和一体式硼氢化钠水解制氢反应器的组成与工作,分析了制氢器反应区内的两相流动现象、反应区体积和换热-冷凝器传热面积要求,以及制氢器内液滴的分离、固体颗粒的沉淀和悬浮物的过滤、制氢器的动态特性等问题。 Research and development of foreign submarine AIP sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation is stated in this paper.Method and catalyzer of sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation are introduced.Submarine system of sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation, constitution and working of tubular and integrative reactors of sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation are described.Two-phase flow phenomena,requirements of reactor volume and heat-transfer surface of heat-exchanger-condenser,separation of liquid dribbles,precipitin of solid grains and filtration of suspending particles in the hydrogen generator,as well as dynamic characteristic of hydrogen generator are analyzed.
机构地区 海军工程大学
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2012年第7期135-143,共9页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 潜艇 AIP 硼氢化钠 水解制氢 submarine AIP sodium borohydride hydrolysis hydrogen generation
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