
重庆城区儿童青春期发动时相现况及与肥胖的相关研究 被引量:9

Analysis on iodine nutritional status and thyroid function in pregnant women
摘要 目的调查重庆主城区8~19岁学生青春期发育现状及与肥胖的相关关系。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样,对3046名中小学生进行青春期发育调查,内容包括青春期发动问卷(PDS)调查;体格检查包括身高、体重,男童外生殖器、阴毛、睾丸容积,女童乳房、阴毛发育检查;并运用概率单位回归法计算各分期年龄,采用Spearman秩相关分析青春期发动时相提前与肥胖的关系。结果女童乳房B2期平均年龄为11.51岁,阴毛FP2期平均年龄为13.93岁,月经初潮平均年龄为12.29岁;男童外生殖器G2期平均年龄为13.13岁,阴毛MP2期平均年龄13.62岁,睾丸容积达4ml平均年龄为11.67岁,男生首次遗精平均年龄为13.57岁;女生青春期发动提前组超重、肥胖比例大于发育正常组,且存在秩相关(P<0.01)。结论重庆城区女生青春期发动和性发育明显提前,且与肥胖存在相关关系。 Objective To investigate the puberty timing status and its correlation with obesity in 8 - 19 year-old students in the urban area of Chongqing. Methods A total of 3046 primary and middle school students were recruited by using multiple-stage stratified cluster sampling method. The pubertal growth spurt in the students was evaluatedby Pubertal Development Scale (PDS), and the physical examination, including body height, weight, the external genitalia, testicular volume and pubic hair of boys, and the breast and pubic hair of girls. The age of each stage was calculated by the method of Probability unit regression, and whether the pubertal start earlier being related to obesity was analyzed by the Spearman rank correlation. Results The average age of breast to B2 phase, pubic hair to FP2 phase and the menarche for girls were at 11.51, 13.93 and 12.29 year-old respectively. The average age of genitalia to G2 phase, pubic hair to MP2 phase, the volume of testicular to 4 ml and the first nocturnal emission for boys were at 13. 13, 13.62, 11.67 and 13.57 year-old respectively. Among girls, the proportion of overweight or obesity was higher in the earlier puberty group than those in the normal development group, and existing a rank correlation (P 〈0. 01). Conclusion The earlier puberty timing and advanced sexual development were obvious in girls, which may correlate with the factors of obesity.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期562-565,共4页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家高新技术"863"研究发展计划项目(No.2006AA02Z427)
关键词 青春期发动时相 儿童 性发育 肥胖 puberty timing, children, sexual development, obesity
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