

摘要 20世纪60、70年代以来,西方发达国家的城市景观空间研究由"物质景观"转向了"物质与文化景观并重"的研究,其本质在于从人本主义视角探究不同景观的区位价值和区位重构关系,尤其关注城市日常生活空间质量观下的人居环境景观与景观的社会公正配置与规划,从而响应不同的区位价值,满足阶层化下的人的区位尊严需求。本文重在从行为文化区位景观价值视角探讨城市区位景观价值的演变特征、区位景观理论的内涵与构成及区位文化景观尊严规划的原理构成等。 "Location", on the one hand, refers to the position of the object, while, on the other hand, also refers to the spatial association between the object and the others.. The essence is to explore the relationship between regional value and reconstruction from the perspective of humanism, particularly concern the habitat environmental landscape under urban daily living space quality concept and landscape social justice configuration and planning, thus responding to different regional values to meet the regional dignity demand of peo- ple in stratification. This paper focuses on the exploration of the evolution characteristics of urban regional landscape values, the connotation and constitution of regional landscape theory, the regional landscape value orientation in postrnodernism landscape planning and the principle constitution of regional cultural landscape dignity planning, etc. Under the guidance of regional cultural landscape dignity planning, this paper mainly carries out systematic analysis from the perspectives of regional dignity constitution in the creation of com- munity humanistic life space, regional landscape dignity constitution in historical and cultural landscape pro- tection, and landscape dignity constitution of stratified life behavior cultural situation. The theoretical re- search of regional landscape dignity is the focus of subjects including urban sociology, cultural ecology and landscape in the post-modern perspective. At the macro application level, the interaction mechanism, func- tion, structure, ways and countermeasures of overall regulation of different regional landscapes can effectively develop and protect the living environment of mankind, develop correct land-use planning, regional planning, urban planning and urban socio-economic development strategy, thus forming the cognitive system on the scale of landscape value; at microscopic level, the mechanism of regional landscape value can highlight the ecological zone value and behavior space value of local culture to serve the daily life and provide basic principles to the study of social cultural ecological space planning and protection.
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期54-58,共5页 Human Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(06XSH010) 西安建筑科技大学人才科技基金(RC1120)
关键词 城市区位景观价值 城市区位文化景观 城市尊严规划 城市文化空间保护 urban regional landscape value urban regional cultural landscape urban dignity planning urban cultural space protection
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