Financial fragility is the essence of the finance, which does not disappear because of financial development. The frequent occurrence of the serious financial crisis in the past 30 years and their great differences with the past manifest that financial fragility in today' s economy against the backdrop of fictionalization has a unique meaning and mechanisms. The excessive fictitious of economic and the nature of the capital under the economic fictionalization are the root. Financial leverage' s amplification and generalization make a small loss or fluctuations accelerate amplification, and quickly spread to the whole financial field, which severely impacts on the financial system. The imblanee of the fictitious economy and the reay economy aggravate the fragility. Confronted with this problem, we should reduce the fictitious economy, coordinate the development ralation between fictitious economy and real economy, and effectively reduce the financial fragility.
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education
economic fictionalization
financial fragility
tinancial crisis