
基于MA及LVQ神经网络的智能NIPS模型与实现 被引量:3

Intelligent NIPS Model and Implementation Based on MA and LVQ Neural Networks
摘要 为了提高入侵防御系统的智能性和准确率,在讨论入侵防御技术特性和关键技术的基础上,分析了利用MA(MobileAgent)及LVQ(Learning Vector Quantization)神经网络构建入侵防御系统的优势,以及LVQ神经网络的结构特性和学习算法,提出基于MA及LVQ神经网络的新智能入侵防御系统模型结构,概述了新模型的实现方法,并用Matlab算法进行了仿真实验.结果表明,基于MA及LVQ神经网络的新智能入侵防御系统模型整体防御准确率与检测辨识性能都有较大提高. To improve the aptitude and accuracy of intrusion prevention system,this paper analyzed the advantages of the intrusion prevention system based on MA and LVQ neural networks,the structural characteristics of LVQ neural networks and learning algorithms on the basis of intrusion prevention technical characteristics and key technologies discussing.This paper proposed a new intelligent intrusion prevention system model and structure based on MA and LVQ neural networks,presented the implementation method of the new model,done simulation experiments in MATLAB software.The results indicate the total prevention blocking accuracy and detection identification performances of the new intelligent intrusion prevention system model based on MA and LVQ neural networks have been improved greatly.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1836-1840,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60803130)资助 上海电机学院重点学科项目(07XKJ01)资助
关键词 移动代理MA 学习向量量化LVQ LVQ神经网络 基于网络的入侵防御系统NIPS 模型构建与实现 mobile agent(MA) learning vector quantization(LVQ) LVQ neural networks network intrusion prevention system(NIPS) model construction and implementation
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