Since July 1987 till January 1989. The double reverse Z-plastly of the soft palate hasbeen used in 12 patients. Seven patients had complete unilateral cleft palates, one had incom-plete cleft, two had soft cleft palates and two had complete bilateral cleft palates. Male7, female 5. The eldest was 25 years of age, the youngest was 3 years. The technique differsfrom the usual method in two ways. Firstly. the soft palate is closed with two reverseZ-plasties. The transposition of two flaps can be lengthened along central limb withoutusing the tissue from the hard palate. Secondly. in order to eliminate the horseshoe thebentral limp scar around the inner aspect of the alveolus for improving the growth potentialofthe maxilla, the hard palate is closed without lateral relaxing incisions.