
保障受教育权 提高教育效益——控辍保学、关注成长

Protecting the Rights to Education to Promote the Educational Benefits
摘要 普及九年义务教育要使学生"进得来、留得住、学得好",最基本要求也就是确保学生受教育的权益,我们认为学生的辍学就是学业的最大失败,如何采取有效措施,遏制学生辍学,延续"双高普九"和"两项督导",几年来,我们采取了各种措施,努力做好"控辍保学"工作。首先,加大宣传力度,提高认识,增强法制观念,贯彻、执行《义务教育法》;其次,建立高素质的教师队伍,把握实施"控辍保学"的关键;第三,执行基础课程改革,推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展;第四,关爱学困生,照顾特困生,保障学生受教育的权利。 The popularization of the nine-year compulsory education must enable the students to "come, stay and study well." The most basic requirement is to ensure that the students get the rights and benefits of education. If the students drop out, it is the biggest failure of the school. How could effective measures be taken to curb the drop- outs and carry on "the nine-year compulsory education effectively" and "the supervision of school administration and school work"? In recent years, we have taken all kinds of measures to "control drop-outs and make sure they learn." First of all, increase publicity to raise awareness, enhance the sense of the law, and implement the Compulsory Edu- cation Law. Secondly, establish a high-quality team of teachers, which is the key to control drop-outs and make sure they learn. Thirdly, implement the basic curriculum reform to promote quality-oriented education and to enhance the overall development of the students. Lastly, care for students with learning difficulties and take care of poor students to guarantee their rights to education.
作者 陈建民
出处 《福建教育学院学报》 2012年第2期11-13,共3页 Journal of Fujian Institute of Education
关键词 义务教育 控辍保学 课程改革 素质教育 权利 compulsory education control dropouts and make sure they learn curriculum reform quality-off-ented education fights
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