
运动图像的锯齿消除算法研究 被引量:2

Algorithm Research on Eliminating Saw-tooth Phenomenon in Motion Image
摘要 针对隔行扫描到逐行扫描转换中出现的运动图像锯齿现象,提出适用于去锯齿的运动检测和基于角度提取的场内插值算法。利用相邻4场运动差值进行运动检测,并结合待插像素相邻行和隔行相关像素点的夹角进行加权平均,提取相关度大的角度点进行场内插值。实验结果表明,算法有效提高了峰值性噪比,也有效降低了均方差,实际图像去锯齿效果良好。 According to converting interlaced scanning to progressive scanning, motion image appeared saw-tooth phenomenon, proposed that intrafield interpolation based on angle extraction and motion detection suitable for removing saw-tooth phenomenon. Using adjacent four fields for motion detection could distinguish static or motion image, then, combined with related pixels of adjacent lines and interlace lines, evaluating the pixels values according to weighted average and extracting pixel angle of higher correlation degree for intra-field interpolation. Based on experimental results, this algorithm PSNR improved and MSE reduction effectively, removed saw-tooth phenomenon in good effect actually.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2012年第15期32-35,共4页 Video Engineering
基金 安徽省现代显示技术重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地开放基金(091110)
关键词 运动图像 去锯齿 运动检测 角度提取 场内插值 motion image eliminate saw-tooth motion detection angle extraction intra-field interpolation
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