

Signal Detection Method Based on Cyclic Spectral Kutosis
摘要 在研究通信信号的循环平稳理论的基础上,将循环谱和峭度相结合,给出了一种低信噪比情况下的信号检测方法,降低了一般循环谱检测方法的复杂度,提高了检测性能。该方法首先采用频域平滑方法计算循环谱的α截面,有效降低背景噪声的影响;然后计算该截面幅度的峭度值κ,当该峭度值κ大于门限时,表明检测到信号。仿真结果表明,基于循环谱峭度的信号检测方法优于前人提出的循环谱检测方法,可用于低信噪比情况下的信号检测。 On the basis of investigating the theory of cyclostationary of communication signals, a signal detection method in low SNR is given based on the cyclic spectral kurtosis, combining cyclic spectrum and kurtosis. The method can reduce the complexity of the spectrum detection method and improve the detection performance. In the method, Firstly, frequency smoothing method is used to calculatea-section of cyclic spectrum, which can reduce the effect of background noise ; then the kurtosis K of the magnitude of the section amplitude values is calculated, and when the kurtosis K is greater than the threshold value, it is indicated that the signal is detected. Simulation results show that the signal detection method based on cyclic spectral kurtosis, which is better than the pectrum detection method that is proposed before, can be used for signal detection in low SNR.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2012年第15期144-147,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 循环谱 α截面 峭度 信号检测 频域平滑 cyclic spectrum α section kurtosis signal detection frequency-domain smoothing
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