
FDI技术外溢是否存在“门槛条件”——来自我国高技术产业的面板门限回归分析 被引量:55

Is There a "Threshold Condition" in FDI Technology Spillover
摘要 本文在已有研究的基础上,认为在FDI技术外溢过程中存在着一定的"门槛条件",并基于"技术势能"假说,利用我国高技术产业数据进行实证检验。实证结果表明,外商投资规模、技术势能与潜在市场规模对FDI技术外溢的影响都具有一定的"门槛条件",只有三者在适度值范围内技术外溢积极而显著,并且与技术外溢存在着倒"U"形曲线关系。随着时间的变化,技术外溢的"门槛条件"有所提高,外溢效应有所降低。 On the basis of the previous research, this paper puts forward that FDI technology spillover exists a certain "threshold condition" . Based on "technology potential energy" hypothesis, we use our high-technology industry data to do the empirical test. The empirical results show that: the scale of foreign investment, technology potential energy and potential market size has a certain "threshold condition" on FDI technology spillover effect. Technology spillover is positive and significant only in the moderate range, and technology spillover has inverted U shaped curve with the scale of foreign investment, technology potential energy and potential market size. With the change of time, the "threshold condition" of technology spillover will increase, but spillover effect will decrease.
作者 余泳泽
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期49-63,共15页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 教育部博士研究生学术新人奖暨专款资助 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题"全球金融危机对我国产业转移和产业升级的影响及对策研究"(09JZD0018) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目的资助
关键词 FDI 技术外溢 “门槛条件” 高技术产业 FDI Technology Spillover Threshold Condition High- technology Industry
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