
护理专业女生避孕和意外妊娠认知状况 被引量:6

Survey on the knowledge of contraception and unintentional pregnancy among nursing female students
摘要 目的了解护理专业女生避孕知识及对意外妊娠的认知情况,为制定有针对性的避孕教育策略提供依据。方法采用自编问卷,对蚌埠医学院326名护理专业女生进行问卷调查,内容包括个人信息、对妊娠的认识、避孕知识及紧急事后避孕、对意外妊娠的担心和处理意愿等。结果在326名女生中,分别有91.72%,76.07%,76.38%对妊娠的主要表现、早期预警及早期诊断有较好的认知。但对避孕相关知识(月经周期中最易受孕的时间、偶尔性交能否怀孕、避孕方法)及实际运用认知并不高。被调查对象中只有23.00%会计算安全期,13.50%意愿采纳避孕药避孕。一旦遭遇意外妊娠,83.74%担心的问题是流产(流产的危险48.77%、流产并发症34.97%),其中一半以上选择终止意外妊娠的方法是流产(人工流产31.90%,药物流产23.62%),意外妊娠后主要求助于家人(41.72%)和同学(26.07%),71.47%认为意外妊娠对心理有伤害,而对意外妊娠造成的远期影响如妇科炎症、不孕症认识不足。结论护理专业的女生避孕知识有待提高,意外妊娠相关认知需全面加强。 Objective To understand nursing female students’ knowledge on contraception and unintentional pregnancy for the purpose of formulating appropriate contraceptive education strategies.Methods A total of 326 female nursing students of Bengbu Medical College,were employed in the survey.Self-administered questionnaire involving personal information,pregnancy,contraception,emergency contraception knowledge,attitude and practice of unintentional pregnancy were analyzed.Results About 91.72%,76.07% and 76.38% of the students respectively knew the feature,early signs and early diagnosis of pregnancy well.As for contraceptive knowledge including the best time of conceive in the menstrual cycle,occasional sexual intercourse resulting pregnancy and contraceptive methods,the participants did know little.Only 23.00% of the samples can calculate sexual rhythm,13.50% accept contraceptive contraception.83.74% of the students encountered unwanted pregnancy undergo anxiety about unwanted pregnancy resulting abortion(the risk of abortion 48.77%,abortion complications 34.97%) and more than half of them will prefer terminating an unwanted pregnancy(artificial abortion 31.90%,medical abortion 23.62%).They usually seek to family(41.72%) or schoolmates(26.07%) after encountered unwanted pregnancy.About 71.47% of the students realize rather psychological harm than unwanted pregnancies resulting in long-term effects such as gynecological inflammation and infertility.Conclusion Continued efforts are needed to develop nursing female students’ knowledge on contraception and unintentional pregnancy.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第7期809-813,共5页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目(Kj2009B136Z)
关键词 避孕 妊娠 意外 认知 学生 护理 女(雌)性 Contraception; Pregnancy,unplanned; Cognition; Students,nursing; Female
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