
正视与应对:对当代中国民族主义的深层思考 被引量:3

Deeply Thoughts of Contemporary China's Nationalism
摘要 当代中国民族主义是多种因素耦合的结果,系指20世纪90年代初泛起于我国境内,特定民族群体族员以民族认同为基点,以民族情感归附为纽带,以民族群体为忠诚对象,在实现现代化的进程中以追求民族利益、维护民族尊严为指向的意识形态或实践运动。当代中国民族主义多样而复杂,以中华民族利益为投射对象的国族民族主义和以具体民族利益为投射对象的族类民族主义最具典型。当代中国民族主义作为一个"双面体",或如天使,具有凝聚民族力量、展现民族活力、提升民族精神之效;或如恶魔,潜藏着巨大的风险,有将民族推向万劫不复之力。在全球化迅猛发展的态势下,植根于当代中国沃土中的民族主义,无论以何种面貌登台,都带有较强的西方性,具有坚韧的生命力和强劲的渗透力、溶蚀力,必然对我国主流意识形态和主导价值观造成巨大冲击。对此,绝不能敷衍塞责,而应当以审慎的态度和求实的精神,对其认真对待、谨慎处理,做到正面回应,科学引领,以便在多样化的思想观念中寻求最大共识。 Contemporary Chinese nationalism is the result of many factors complicated to make peace, in the early 1990s, refers to the 20th century, appearing within the territory of the Republic of China, and specific ethnic groups, family member, the start- ing point of national identity and national sentiment allegiance to the link, the ethnic groups for the loyalty,pursuit of national in- terests, in the process of modernization in order to safeguard national dignity as a point of ideology or practice sports. Contempo- rary Chinese nationalism diverse and complex nation to the interests of the Chinese nation as a projection of the object of national- ism and the nationalism of the specific national interests of the family of the projected object class is fairly typical of two types. Contemporary Chinese nationalism as a two-sided body, or such as angels, to unite the national forces, to show the national vi- tality, enhance the effect dof the national spirit; or such as demons, huge potential risks, the national push the power beyond re- demption. The trend of rapid globalization, rooted in contemporary China fertile ground for nationalism, no matter what the face of the stage with a strong Western, with a tenacious vitality and strong penetration of dissolution forces will inevitably tremendous impact on the mainstream ideology and the dominant values?. To this end, must not be perfunctory, but should be in a prudent manner and practical spirit, in giving its essential respects the same time cautious pending a timely manner to make a positive response to adhere to the scientific lead in order to seek a variety of ideas consensus.
作者 王志立
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第4期128-133,共6页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 安徽省社科项目"转型安徽与皖民幸福构建研究"(项目批号:AHSK11-12D276)的研究成果之一
关键词 当代中国 国族民族主义 族类民族主义 Ethno - national nationalism breed nationalism response leading
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