The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of intraperitoneal chemotherapy(repeated injections of cisplatin in small doses during a short time) on retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis of ovarian cancer. Thirty patients with ovarian cancer were selected and divided into two groups. The patients in the first group received intraperitoneal chemotherapy only once (48 hours before operation); the patients in the second group received intraperitoneal chernotherapy twice (96 hours and 48 hours before operation ). After the intraperitoneal chernotherapy, according to the predicted time, the Pt concentrations of the tissues were measured by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry; the pathologic examinations of the lymph nodes were carried out.The results showed that the drug concentrations of the aortic, obturator and iliac lymph nodes of the first group were not significantly different, neither were the drug concentrations of the lymph nodes of the second group. The drug concentrations of the lymph nodes of the first and the second groups were 2. 06 and 1. 91 times that of the surrounding tissues respectively. Also, the drug concentrations of peritoneum of the first and the second groups were 4. 14 and 2. 50 times that of the lymph nodes. The drug concentrations of the iliac, obturator and aortic lyrnph nodes of the second group were 2. 27, 2. 75 and 2. 54 times that of the first group (P<0. 005). Under light microscope, the metastasic cancer tissues in lymph nodes showed liquefaction necrosis in the second group. The results indicate that small doses of cisplatin given by repeated injections during a short time can lead to drug accumulation and consequently high efficacy with low toxicity, suggesting that this method may be used for the treatment of lyrnphatic metastasis of ovarian cancer.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy Lymph node metastasis Ovarian cancer