
从国际视野看丝路青海道的演变 被引量:2

On the Evolution of Qinghai Silk Road from the International Perspective
摘要 卡约文化时期,北方草原之路支线已深入青海境内。公元前6世纪至公元前3世纪中期,波斯帝国、亚历山大帝国、赛琉古王国对促进欧、亚、非三大洲世界性交往做出过杰出贡献。前3世纪中期至前2世纪末,中亚希腊化国家巴克特里亚(大夏)可能已通过青海道与中国贸易往来。公元前3世纪至公元3世纪初,罗马帝国、安息帝国与汉帝国的崛起促使了丝绸之路的畅通,但汉政府"隔绝羌胡"的政策使青海道失去了国际通道的功能。公元3世纪初至7世纪初,由于萨珊波斯的经营与中国各政权的重视,联系中国与中亚、西亚的交通大道"丝绸之路"仍畅通无阻。4至6世纪,在吐谷浑的经营下,青海道成为中国南北与域外联系的最重要的国际通道。7世纪至9世纪中期,阿拉伯帝国、吐蕃帝国与大唐帝国的崛起使横跨欧亚大陆的丝绸之路极度繁荣。这时在吐蕃的控制下,青海道在连接中国南北与西域、中亚乃至西亚的交通中仍然发挥着重要作用。9世纪末至13世纪初期,由于大国崩溃、小国林立,丝路东西两段俱走向衰落。不过北宋时期,青海凭借地缘优势,仍为沟通西域与中原的重要的国际通道。13世纪初期至15世纪初,在丝绸之路一度复兴的背景下,青海道地位下降,但仍为中西往来的通道。15世纪以后,由于丝路东西段沿线均战乱不已,青海道随整个丝绸之路的衰落而衰落。 During the Cayo cuhure period, Qinghai Silk Road had been one of the branches of the grassland Silk Road. The Persian Empire, Alexander Empire and Seleucid Dynasty had made outstanding contributions to the interaction among Europe, Asia and Africa. From the middle of the third century B.C to the end of second century B.C., Greco-Bactrian Kingdom (Daxia) in the central Asia traded with China through Qinghai Silk Roads. From the third century B.C to the beginning of third century, with the rise of the Rome Empire, Parthian Empire and Han Empire, the Silk Road was more unimpeded, but Qinghai Road lost the international channel function because of the policy of the Han dynasty "stopping the alliance of Qiang and Hu". From the early third century to the early seventh century, because of the efforts of Sassanid Empire and Han Empire, the Silk Road through China, Central Asia and West Asia are still unblocked. In the control of Tuyuhun, Qinghai Silk Road was the most important international channel connected both the South China and the North China to foreign countries in the fourth century to the sixth century. From the seventh century to the middle of the ninth century, because of the rise of Arabia Empire, Tibetan Empire and the Tang Empire, the Silk Road was of great prosperity. Qinghai Road still played an important role under the control of Tibetan Empire. At the end of the ninth century to the early thirteenth century, the Silk Road declined because the large countries collapsed. However, during the Northern Song Dynasty, relied on advantage of geographic relations, Qinghai was the important international channel communicated the Western Regions with the Central China. From the early thirteenth century to the early fifteenth century, the Silk Road was prosperous again. Although the status of Qinghai Road declined, it was still the Chinese and Western business channel. After the fifteenth century, because of the war unceasing along the Silk Road, Qinghai Road fell into decay with the decline of the Silk Road.
作者 苏海洋
机构地区 天水师范学院
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期136-139,共4页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部青年社科基金项目的阶段性成果 批准号:10YJC770075
关键词 历史交通地理 青海道 演变 地缘政治 historical traffic geography Qinghai Road evolution geo-politics
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