With a view to investigating the influence of one - time moderate physical exercise on the personality, the now stat ,the subjective well- being, with the methods of literary review , psychometrics, experiment, and mathe- matical statistics, the study will draw the tbllowing conclusions. Firstly , there exist distinct diversities among the effect of one - time physical exercise of the female college students on the result of flow stat. The second, there exist distinct diversities among tile effect of one - time physical exercise of the female college students on the result of Sub- jeetive well - being and all of the factors of Subjective well - being. Thirdly, the effect of one - time physical exercise of the female college students on the result of subjective well - being through flow stat and the factors of challenge skills balance.clear goal .unambiguous feedback.total concentration on the task at hand.sense of control.loss of self -eonseiousnes .transformation of time and autotelic experience, that is mean they making mediating effect as a medi- ator . The last, when personality as a moderator and flow stat as a mediator, while there is no distinct diversities a- mong the effect of one - time physical exercise on the result of subjective well - being after conduct a test of moderator of mediating effect.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
one - time physical exercise
female college students
flow star
subjective well - being