为解决Windows CE系统下LCD显示驱动程序的开发难题,介绍Windows CE操作系统下LCD显示驱动基本概念和一般架构,给出LCD控制参数的计算方法,并根据这种方法给出某型号LCD屏显示驱动的开发过程,提出基于Windows CE系统的LCD显示驱动开发的一般方法。试验结果表明,该方法能很好地实现Windows CE操作系统下LCD屏上的显示。
In order to solve the development problem of LCD display driver under Windows CE system, the basic concept and common architecture of LCD display driver under Windows CE is introduced. Then the calculating method of LCD control parameter is given. At the same time, development process of certain type LCD is introduced through this method, and put forward a new method of LCD display driver based on Windows CE system. Experiment demonstrates that the Windows CE interface can be well implement LCD display by calculating LCD control parameter in this method.
Ordnance Industry Automation