
气候变化条件下海洋环境治理的跨制度合作机制可能性研究 被引量:8

A Research on the Cross-institutional Cooperation for Ocean Environment Governance in the Context of Climate Change
摘要 气候变化给全球福利带来的负面冲击日益显现且有恶化之势。海洋对气候的调节作用促使人们深度挖掘海洋治理对人类减缓与适应气候变化的潜在功能。《联合国海洋法公约》为气候变化与海洋治理的制度沟通架起了桥梁,在气候变化的巨大冲击下海洋治理应当走跨制度合作之路。 The negative impact on global well-being suffered from climate change is increasingly apparent and exacerbating.The oceanic moderating effects on climate have made people think much of the potential functions of ocean governance for our mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.UNCLOS bridged the institutional communication gap between climate change and ocean governance.Thus under the immense impact of climate changes cross-institutional cooperation must be the strategy for oceanic governance.
作者 李良才
机构地区 广东海洋大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2012年第6期71-79,共9页 Pacific Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"海洋渔业资源养护与管理的法律问题研究"(09YJC820018) 湖南省重点学科国际法学建设项目
关键词 气候变化 海洋治理 跨制度合作 climate change; ocean governance; cross-institutional cooperation
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  • 6See Christopher Sabine et al. The Oceanic Sink for Atmos- pheric CO2, Science,2004, p. 305 - 367.
  • 7See George Walker, Filling Some of the Gaps : The Interna- tional Law Association ( American Branch) Law of the Sea Definitions Project,Fordham Int' L L. J. ,2009(32) ,p. 1336.
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  • 9See Cinnamon Pihon Carlame, Good Climate Governance: Only a Fragmented System of International Law Away?, LAW & POL ' Y, 2008(30) ,p. 450.
  • 10See William Bums, Potential Causes of Action for Chmate Change Impacts Under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, 7 INT'L J. Sustainable Dev. L & POL'Y 2, (2007) ,37,38 ,available at http://papers, ssm. corn/sol3/papers, cfm? abstract_ id = 972354.













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