观察使用Raypex5根管测量仪确定根管长度进行根管治疗的疗效。收集2009年7月~2011年7月使用Rayoex5根管测量仪做根管治疗的1 208例患牙,进行术后X线观察及疗效观察。结果1 208例患牙中,862例牙髓病变治疗成功率98%,346例根尖病患者治疗成功率93.3%。Raypex5使用安全、方便、准确,在任何根管状态下都能工作,大大提高了临床工作效率,是一种很好的根管测量仪。
The observation efficacy of the Raypex5 root canal measuring instrument to determine the root canal length, for the root canal treatment. Collection 1, 208 cases ( 2009.7-2011.7) with Rayoex5 root canal measuring for root canal treatment. With postoperative X-.ray observations and therapeutic, 862 in 1, 028 cases of pulp disease treatment were successful, 346 cases of apical ill treatment were successful. Raypex5 is safe, convenient, accurate, which could work in any root canal condition, greatly improving the clinical efficiency.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)